
Registration for the WDCAG2025 meeting is now available via the Canadian Association of Geographers at the following link:

Fees include: Thursday evening light snacks and non-alcoholic drinks, Friday evening reception snacks and non-alcoholic drinks, Saturday lunch and morning/afternoon refreshments.

Banquet dinner on Saturday evening is not included and is expected to cost $50 (incl. tax and gratuity)


Students $ 60 (+GST)

Student CAG members $40 (+ GST)

late registration (after Feb 28) $85 (+GST)

(for both non-CAG and CAG members)

Post-doctoral researchers / contract instructors $95 (+ GST) Post-doc / contract instructor CAG members $75 (+GST)

late registration (after Feb 28) $120 (+GST)

(for both non-CAG and CAG members)

Professors / full-time, ongoing instructors $130 (+GST)

Professor / full-time instructor CAG members $100 (+GST)

late registration (after Feb 28) $150 (+GST)

(for both non-CAG and CAG members)